Caring human💙

Imagine this.

A room full of toddlers. Playing with toys, having trouble sharing, laughing, and talking to each other.

A very little human pushes out the cutest sneeze ever. “Aaahhchuuuu!” 

I waited to see what these toddlers did.

They stopped what they were doing. They looked right at this tiny human who makes funny noises. Then they went right back to playing. Except not one little boy. This boy said, “God Bless You! Are you okay?” Then he proceeded to rub her back.

I smiled ear to ear. That was my 2 year old son. I was so proud of his manners! Sometimes it’s hard to know if what we teach them actually sticks. This small scenario is proof it does. Our actions, our habits, our manners are what shapes our kids. I want my child to be a caring human.♡